muto - yuzur works
printmaking works
title : 眼差しii material: waterbase woodcut , japanese paper
title 追憶の光 dazzling light
natu kusa shigeru IMC 2021 NARA chosen works
Japan Print Association presented The 88th Exhibition of Japan Print Association chosen works. 日本版画協会 第88回版画展 入選.
Japan Print Association presented The 87th Exhibition of Japan Print Association chosen works. 日本版画協会 第87回版画展 入選.
Japan Print Association presented The 86th Exhibition of Japan Print Association chosen works. Title:"夕凪 When the evening calm" 日本版画協会 第86回版画展 入選
Group exhibition Bumpoudo,Tokyo 会場風景。
Group exhibition Bumpoudo,Tokyo
The 10th Kouchi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints
The 10th Kouchi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints chosen. Title: “Fly High- Ⅱ” “ 翔-Ⅱ”
Spread Our Wing following in Japanese. 翼を広げ 2016
At the Time of Calm following in Japanese. 凪の時 2016
鮫皮でおろし、使えるように仕立てました。 右が職人さん、左が自分の仕立て。 やってみて、職人さんの凄さを実感。
ICE etching on plaster "2009/10"
Awagami mini print exhibition. 2013 10/12~ Awa-yamakawa,Tokushima-ken.
drawing on copper plate Sep 6 2014.
Open Competition Exhibition 「International Mokuhanga Exhibition 2014」 at Tokyo art university
Open Competition Exhibition 「International Mokuhanga Exhibition 2014」 chosen
How to make bamboo printing tools. It organized by Mr. Hidehiko Gotou.
Knife sharpening workshop organized by Mr. Shoichi Kitamura.
2016 January. material: waterbase ink woodcut.